Jasmiza Jamalluddin

Jasmiza Jamalluddin

Last seen: 5 years ago

Currently, Jasmiza is the lead adviser for several high-impact interventions in human capital development at various companies and organisations. She firmly believes that her vast expertise and experience provide what companies and organisations across a multitude of industries need to stay competitive and even to become market leaders.

Member since Mar 29, 2019 jasmiza@jasmizasolutions.com.my

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How to Failproof your Annual Business Pl...

Get insights on getting the right business plan , tips, and information on how to failproof your business

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Making the best of your human resources....

The evolution of Valuing Human has ever since impacted businesses, and not all of us are ready with the changes. What more, to ens...

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Building Capability with Performers

How is Capability different from #Capacity, and #Competency? #Capability is developed by putting focus onto these 3 elements: peop...

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Why SOP is not enough..for OEx

An SOP is a documented list of what to do to, when to do, who did what and what to deliver at the end of an operation. A cooking r...

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Operational Excellence, what is and what...

If you are looking for the meaning of operational excellence, here is a snapshot of what you need to know. Operational excellence ...

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